Monday, February 28, 2011

Words from the heart of some prospective parents who have fought hard to be mom and dad!

Everyday I speak with the Intended Mother. Most days it's a quick Hello, How are you? Your daughter is doing good. But sometimes it is a little more. For example today. The mom told me something that I thought was so beautiful and sums up (for me) this journey.
I will put in Spanish and English.

Yo también lo pienso, y me emociono mucho cuando lo imagino, es un sueño y una ilusión para lo que hemos luchado durante 6 años, con muchas decepciones y muy duro de superar , y dentro de un mes y medio podemos olvidarnos de todo lo malo, con nuestra hija en brazos, todo este tiempo valdrá la pena y el dolor de los abortos de la decepción de no sentir mi vientre fértil y que la vida se escapaba de mí, todo queda atrás y finalmente el olvido, todo gracias a ti y a Silvia

I also think of it, and get very excited when I think, is a dream and an illusion for which we fought for 6 years, with many disappointments and hard, and within a month and a half and we forget all our daughter in arms, all this time it will be worthwhile, and the pain of abortions the disappointment of not being fertile feeling in my belly that life was beyond me, all that is left behind and eventually be forgotten, all because of you and Silvia.