Thursday, August 26, 2010


Today I saw the tiny heartbeats of TWO perfect babies. Twins! I can't believe it! The blessing that they have been waiting for, will come as a "matching set".

Although I was not there (don't forget, they live in Spain), I imagined how they reacted. I am sure there was an excessive amount of kissing and hugging. How could there not be? They have waited for this day for so long- long before I came into the picture. They have been through so much heartbreak, disappointment and frustration. And now .....well I am sure they are a just able to breathe a sigh of relief. In nine months they will meet the special babies they have waited for for so long. In nine months they will be a mom and dad. In nine months they will be a family. In nine months they are going to be changing ALOT of diapers! Hmmm....maybe I should tell them to start stocking up. (Something tells me they already are)


  1. Maria, what you are doing is amazing. You are doing something most women wouldn't even consider doing. You are such a strong and generous person. I can't imagine how excited the expectant parents are. How wonderful it must feel to make their dreams come true.

  2. Hola María!!! No sé si hablás español, yo no hablo inglés, por lo que tuve que leerte con ayuda del Traductor Google. Soy la nieta de Alfredo, el hermano de tu abuelo Eduardo. Mi apellido es Palazzo. Estoy maravillada de haberte encontrado, y me leí tu historia, que no deja de sorprenderme. Me encantaría tomar contacto con vos, a ver si podemos conocernos más. Me encantaría acompañarte en esto. Te mando un beso grande!! Mi correo es Espero ansiosamente tener noticias tuyas!!! Un beso desde Santo Tomé, Argentina!!!!

  3. @ Tami,

    Thanks so much for the support. I appreciate every single word of encouragement! Miss you and can't wait until you are officially moved out here!
