Last night I lost it a little bit. I think I have the hormones to blame.
Everyday I am to take 3 different types of pills. One of these pills, Prometrium , I take every night at bedtime. Well last night for some reason I couldn't swollow the darn pill! Now noone really knows this but......I can't swallow large pills. Small pills I am fine with , but the bigger ones are difficult for me. The funny thing is though, is that these pills are capsules that are small and should be easy to swallow. Anyways I spent an hour last night trying to swallow the pill. By the time I FINALLY did I was crying. I just started balling. I was emabarrassed and I didn't want Erik to know, so i was "hiding" in my room. But I finally came downstairs and in between tears, I told him what I had just got done doing. I could tell he felt he bad, so he held me and told me that it was ok. It was wonderful. It made me feel so much better to have him there comforting me. His words were perfect and I needed to here them.
So far this week I have 1 and half meltdowns. I say half because the first one was at work, and my laptop getting a virus was my breaking point. But since I was at work, it didn't result in my sobbing. But boy , was I close! One day at a time, I suppose!
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